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University of Nottingham's Articles

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  1. Authors: Alix Hughes, Thomas Francis, Lindsey Marjoram, Jessica H. Rooney, Georgina Ellison-Hughes, Ross Pollock, Michael J. Curtis, Angela Cape, Mads Larsen, Bethan E. Phillips, Philip J. Atherton, Kenneth Smith and Oliver C. Witard
    Citation: Trials 2023 24:401
  2. Authors: Clare Robinson, Chris Newby, Stefan Rennick-Egglestone, Joy Llewellyn-Beardsley, Fiona Ng, Rachel A. Elliott and Mike Slade
    Citation: Trials 2023 24:343

    The Study protocol to this article has been published in Trials 2020 21:661

  3. Authors: Jonathan D. C. Ross, Clare Brittain, Jocelyn Anstey Watkins, Joe Kai, Miruna David, Mara Ozolins, Louise Jackson, Zainab Abdali, Trish M. Hepburn, Frances Griffiths, Alan Montgomery, Jane Daniels, Alice Manley, Gillian Dean and Lindsay K. Armstrong-Buisseret
    Citation: BMC Women's Health 2023 23:241
  4. Authors: Sandeep Sharma, Tarun Kumar, M. John Foulkes, Simon Orford, Anju Mahendru Singh, Luzie U. Wingen, Venkatesh Karnam, Lekshmy S. Nair, Pranab Kumar Mandal, Simon Griffiths, Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Peter R. Shewry, Alison R. Bentley and Renu Pandey
    Citation: CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 2023 4:12
  5. Authors: C. G Walklin, Hannah M.L Young, E Asghari, S Bhandari, R. E Billany, N Bishop, K Bramham, J Briggs, J. O. Burton, J Campbell, E. M Castle, J Chilcot, N Cooper, V Deelchand, M. P.M Graham-Brown, A Hamilton…
    Citation: BMC Nephrology 2023 24:122